As much as I like the idea for the show, this season has left me feeling a bit uneasy. First of all, the candidates were kind of strange, I guess. Sure, their backgrounds are impressive, but they seemed to have some major flaws in character. In fact, from the whole bunch of people I felt that only Kevin and Kelly stood out as fair and balanced folks. Other then that, they all seemed a bit, well, trigger happy I guess.
And then the show itself - they keep using the same formulas, and I could swear some of the scenes were taken straight from the first season - most notably, the "I've flown in Mr. Trump's chopper/rode in Mr. Trump's car, and now I know what it's like, and I feel that's something to strive for" shtick.
Still, I think the show has potential. I like the entrepreneurial aspect of the whole thing, and whenever I think of the values that it promotes, I think of it as a prolongation Weber's protestant ethic school of thought. Kinda.