Girls make me anxious sometimes when I'm getting to know them. I'm in the process of getting to know a girl that works at the shop I always stop to get coffee in every morning.
After a few weeks (probably months) of flirting (or what I would like to think was flirting) she disappeared. Her co worker said she got pissed off at the GM and quit. I pretty much stopped going to that shop for a while, but I happened to stop in one morning and she was working again. I was so happy to see her again that I just blurted out, "hey give me your number, lets hang out sometime".
Needless to say I got her number, we have hung out a couple of times (I got the first kiss on the second date). But I still don’t feel normal around her really. I'm nervous when I see her or talk to her, or even when I want to call her. Then I see her in the morning flirt a bit with her and I feel great about it. I guess you got to try to separate the bad anxiousness (nervousness) from the good anxiousness (butterflies)
I was in a 5 year relationship; we broke up a year and a half ago. I'm just now trying to get back into the dating thing (which I was never good at to begin with). I think its like anything else. Practice makes perfect.
I ain't often right but I've never been wrong
It seldom turns out the way it does in the song
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right