Oh great! Another Hollywood "re-imagining" of an old classic, over-acted by Mr. Cruise, over-produced my Mr. Spielberg, and over-hyped by everyone.
I would really love to see a modern re-make of this. The original Orson Wells radio broadcast is still amazing, even when you know what's going on. The original movie was adequate in its own 50s/60s kind of way. The musical interpretation done by Jef Wayne featureing some amazing performances of some of the best (or best-known) musicians from the 70s (the late Phil Lynot from Thin Lizzie and Justin Hayward from Moody Blues, and narrated by Richard Burton) was fantastic.
I can still hope that this new feature movie will be a masterpeice, but I can't say that I'm thrilled with any Spielberg movie that I have seen with his motto of "less is not more, more is more." More money, more special effects, more words in the screenplay, more editing, more post-production, more everything. Take a lesson from Christopher Nolan (Memento, Following) and show us a simple peice of film that creates a story throuhg the characters and the story, not through over-directing and over-producing an emtpy, vapid piece of shit, like AI for example (although there are many others)
Just my $0.02 worth. Still, great teaser on the trailer, I WANT to like it, I do!
ps. Independence Day, in my opinion, is not worth the two hours of my time to watch it, nevermind the trillions they spent to make it. Just a useless visual experience when I could have been sleeping, or peeing, or scratching my scrotum, ANYTHING but watching that "movie."
There is no such thing as strong coffee - only weak people.