Originally Posted by silent_jay
Oh shit, theres a name I never thought I'd hear again. Peter Ing, I wonder where he is now.
lol. I took my name from Dan Daoust, another famous ex-Leaf. Remember him?
He wasn't in the foosball game.
Anyway, I'd like to hear some stories about things you've said or done while stoned. Drunk stories aren't as funny or rich. Stoner stories always make me laugh...
I'll start. At the same party where I was playing foosball with Peter Ing (I did get stoned more than once, but this night was memorable, sort of) I had eaten about 3 grams of 'shrooms and the third gram was all shake. So I was at this party and I went to the can and I noticed all the shake was in my teeth and it looked like I had just eaten a gram of pepper. I'm not sure who's house it was, but I grabbed the closest toothbrush and brushed out all the 'shroom shake out of my teeth. THen I went back to the foosball table...