Soyo Sy-KT600 Dragon Plus v2 IDE 1 Slave Problem
I recently put together this PC
SY-KT600 Dragon Plus v2.0
2500+ Semperon
Visiontek Xtasy 9200se 128MB 8x AGP
Seagate 160GB 7200RPM UATA/100
Samsung 16x DVD-+RW Dual Layer
Win XP Home
I am only using IDE 1 with the HD on the master and the Samsung Optical on the slave. I have them jumpered this way as well.
I have a problem when I cold boot the machine. I get this POST error.
"Pri Slave Drive - ATAPI Incompatible" followed by
"Press F1 to continue"
If I press F1 the machine boots normally but of course without the optical drive. When I restart the machine I do not get a POST error and I can see the Optical drive in Windows. I can reboot all day long and no error. Cold boot and error every time. I do get power to the optical drive at all times.
I have updated the BIOS and have it set to no fail performance, updated all the drivers from the Soyo site. Downloaded all the critical, security, and driver updates from Windows Update.
I have used different power connectors in the case and still the problem exists.
Am I missing something in the BIOS?
or is this Motherboard bad?
Thanks in Advance!