Thread: Getting over it
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Old 12-11-2004, 02:32 PM   #3 (permalink)
If the issue is that you've become aware of a tendency of his that you weren't aware of before that makes you think he can't give you what you want, then by all means cut ties.
I think that snags it. I am someone who needs a constant line oc communication. Even if it is a promise "I will tell you later." - I was to immature this summer though to accept that in him. I had to know THEN. My impaitence was what shot me in the end. My impaitence to be there for him and do something to help - when I could not even do anything for myself.

It takes Two to Tango - and he is not to fully blame, but I can't take several weeks of waiting to see what our relationship will be like the next time we get together. My next time will be different, because I hopefully plan on learnign from this - and I have my regrets - but he too was a newbie at romance, and we together did not have the skills to keep things at the level they were over a long distance period of several months.

My expectations were high - but we were both "high" on eachother when we left and had yet to see the truly down parts of our natures. I truly beleive that if I had been physically there I would have been better able to understand - but then I would not have learned so much over loosing him.

Adjusting at this point is hopeless. There is nothing there to adjust to - because he is even unwilling to adjust to what I need as a friend. I need a friend who will search me out once in a blue moon. I want my friend back more at this point - but I can't be going and doing the getting, ifin you know what I mean.

I am just a bit lost right now. I am a do'er and I have nothing to do but sit and be okay with myself. the hardest thing I have ever faced - but I must/have to do this. This is my project for the next three week break from school.
And so its over
Your fantasy life is finally at an end
And the world above is still a brutal place
And the story will start again
Brooke is offline  

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