I think it's odd that you would say he became a different person. This does imply a shift in personality or something, and it sounds like you knew he was an introvert.
You say he was "unable" to communicate because of distance. Is it that he was unable, or that he did not make the effort you thought was warranted by the strength of your feelings for each other?
If the issue is that you've become aware of a tendency of his that you weren't aware of before that makes you think he can't give you what you want, then by all means cut ties.
If the issue is that you had expectations and when he didn't fulfill them you interpreted that as lack of feeling on his part, you may want to revisit things. If this is the case, you're pouring a whole lot of meaning and interpretation onto something that may be just as simple as differnet communication styles. Adjusting expectations on your part and adjusting behavior on his part might solve things.
Good luck!
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France