Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
North Korea is the only one so far who claims they actually have nukes - this hasn't been verified by anyone.
"Iraq being no threat to anyone" ?
This statement makes no sense.
Yeah, right. A country such as NK which spends nearly everything on the military and has nuclear plant contracts with the company that Rummy was in charge of...does not have nukes, yet you turn around and blindly believe Iraq has WMD. Iraq - a country under seiege since 1992 and it's power and influence stripped long before this war. Which of these two countries is in a
better economic position and has the urge to develop/posess WMD?
Which part of "Iraq being no threat to anyone" did not make sense? Which country expressed concerns about a "threat"? Isreal. Why do they posess WMD's? The answer to that question can be found in another question, Why did the Russians want nukes when it was found out Americans had nukes, and why did the British want nukes when they found our the russians had nukes because americans had nukes?
What ever happend to the sites Powell presented to the UN in that nice PowerPoint slides. He was confident 200% those sites were labs.