Getting over it
Livia Regina has been a witness to this for the last four months. I am dealing with my feelings for an ex-SO that are very strange. This person IS the same person he was when we were dating, but became unable to communicate with me over the summer break - long distance, and therefore- FOR ME - became a different person. This insinuation hurts him alot because he can not comprehend how communication defines a person to another. I am an extrovert, and he is and extremem introvert. For me the loss of his communication was a stab in the heart, whereas he simply stated one "state of being" for him and expected me to accept that in him.
Not to drag it out, he broke it off in August, but we are at the same school - and run into eachother more than I would like for as hurt as I feel. It is odd, I dont want to be away from him - but I want to be near to him in a manner I can no longer ask - for it will hurt me as much as he can not give it. He can not be the person I fell in love with.
So the thing is. gosh, I am not even sure- just kinda pouring my soul out here ont he message board - but the point is that when I choose to love someone and ocmmit (and damn was it a serious relationship) It is heart for me to break those heartstrings. Understand - this person is not a bastard, and never lied to me, but could not be more than himself to save our relationship.
I am near to breaking the last string, and I must because it is not even a sure thing that I am ever going to see him again, finances being the way that they are. But I must.
And so its over
Your fantasy life is finally at an end
And the world above is still a brutal place
And the story will start again