Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
North Korea is like a pit bull with AIDS. They are dangerous - and I doubt anyone could portray them as anything else. But: To whom are they the biggest threat. They are China's pit bull - I would think they are more of a threat to bite the hand that feeds them than anyone else. They are a threat to Japan. A threat Japan will not tolerate. Japan has made it very clear that if N Korea loads any weapon of mass destruction onto any type of delivery system that in its self will be dealt with as an act of war. They made it pretty clear - no debate or discussion is needed. I have tried to stress this in other posts - N Korea has a huge military that is a threat to anyplace that it can reach by foot. N Korea has very little else. What little equipment they do own is in a sad state of disrepair. A few out of date aircraft - a few naval vessels, and the threat of a primative nuclear weapon with a WWII era delivery system. N Korea is a serious threat to China and Russia. That is where they can walk to. They are a threat to Japan with their missiles. A threat to Japan automatically puts them in the sights of the Seventh Fleet. That is much more than N Korea is capable of dealing with. It is the last thing in the world they want to agitate - because if they do - they know it will be the last thing in the world they ever see.
Yes, you are right. North Korea is only an immediate threat to the surrounding nations. But, what North Korea could spark if it does ever get into an armed conflict with Japan, China or Russia is the drawing in of other countries around that region and Bang, people start choosing sides - we have world war III.
After all, World War I started with the murder of just one duke's murder, and was between Austro-Hungary and Russia. That quickly ballooned way out of that little region drawing in countries from all over Europe and all over the world.
And that is what scares the shit out of me, and why the US MUST act and neutralize this real threat. Iraq was a waste of time.