Alright I think its time I break down and get myself one of these systems. Xbox seems like the way to go based on graphics and technology. Here comes the taboo part: I want to get an xbox but i want to mod is with a chip and HDD. So here are some questions for those willing to answer and help me out.
1) What kinda Xbox should I get? New? Old? Used?
2) Whats the best mod chip out there that allows the most functionality? (im not afraid to sodder or mod in anyway)
3) Ive read that Xbox live doesnt work for modded people and ive heard of others who say theirs works just fine...whats the deal with that? Will modded work with Kai?
The main purpose of this is to help pass some time with friends or by myself because im on the road for 6 months outta the year. In terms of gaming and stuff Im not too concerned with Xbox's selection over PS2. Im just looking for something i can load a ton of games onto so I can take it with me and have some fun with it. Ive been reading and trying to get some info, but I still had some questions.
Hope i didnt cross any lines...if so, please PM me. Thanks for all the help!