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Old 12-09-2004, 08:43 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Comfy Little Bungalow
I don't want to sound too rabid here either, but the one thing that always fascinated me about smokers was when they talked about "smokers rights" as if it was some kind of human right with protection under some kind of international constitution or something.

Smokers rights? Sure, you have the right to smoke. What that does not give you, however, is the "right" to smoke where ever you want. It's not like the right to breathe, it's the right to personally use an adictive substance withn the parameters that society has placed on it. If you think that you are being stigmatized because of that, you know what your options are, and fighting for your "smokers rights" is, unfortunately for you, not one of them.


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