Originally Posted by Livia Regina
Humans also tend to think of monsters but that doesn't make monsters any more real. My point is that just because we have an idea of something doesn't mean it exists. Interesting quote - it sounds rather like Pascal's Wager restated. I've read some of George MacDonald's works and liked them.
but i'm not sure that our minds can conceive of anything that is completely created between our two ears. when you say monsters, that could mean something that has sharp unblinking eyes... like a snake. it has rows and rows of sharp teeth... like a shark. it will hunt you down and attack... like a wolf. pretty soon you must come to a point when you realize that you can never create something, only recombinate what has already been created.
our picture of God may be an muddy amalgam of what may actually be, but i am not convinced that we are capable of conceiving something that has a complete genesis within our minds. we are the perceivers and innovators... not the conceivers and creators.