Breaking up with someone you have been together with for a long time is very hard. After a certain time, it's almost like you start to lose your identity without the other person. NOt that it is intentional, but it happens. People think of you together, you think of yourself together. To change that is very, very difficult. But sometimes it is for the best. Especially when you started the relationship at a young age. I know this from experience. My first very serious (and I do mean serious) relationship started when I had just turned 14. Freshman in highschool, everything was new to me. I had someone I could always turn to. At this strange point in my life, I held on to my boyfriend at all costs. We became like one person because I was a little too young to know the real importance of true independence. I counted on him to define me. And then, slowly, I started to think about all the things I was never going to get to do if I stayed with him. There were so many things that I wanted to experience. And I was afraid I would regret too much, and regret can tear a relationship apart. So, although it hurt worse than anything I had ever had to do, I broke up with him. At first it killed me to see him everyday. But it got better and now I am so much happier without him. He actually was a terrible boyfriend...but I guess that's a different story.
My point is that, although it seems so hard, if you are really contemplating other people and life without your guy, it is time to move on. I think everyone needs to experience other people before they settle down. If you are really meant to be, then you will end up back together. But can you honestly spend the rest of your life wondering..what if?
Breathe out,
So I can breathe you in
Hold you in