This is not going to be a Christmas that I will be able to look forward to. My mother is in Wisconsin looking after her mother who has had a series of dibilitating health problems. My father is lost without her. And tired. And running their business on his own.
And I am here at College (not living at home), not ready for the responsibility of supporting them emotionally. I have had alot of problems in my own life that they dont know about, and I face many financial struggles that have kept me from baerly even living the past three months. I am tired, and after exams I will be literally exhausted. I have then to go home and run a christmas in the absense of my mother, keep my father and brothers who are very bull headed and stubborn, from general chaos, and keep my own life in order so I can face again another very tough semester.
I was just on the phone with my mom and saying over and over agian "it is okay" "I love you" and I was thinking to myself - since when did the roles get reversed? I am not ready to parent my parents at the ripe old age of 21.
Is this the right forum? It is parenting - and it is most tilted, as is the rest of my life.