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Old 12-05-2004, 12:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
I asked Gmail this very same question a few months back, here's the response...

Hello Tom,

Thank you for your message.

You can receive messages containing inline images, and in HTML format and
rich text, but it is not currently possible to compose or forward messages
in these formats. If you receive a message in HTML format that seems to be
full of broken links, click 'Display External Images' at the top of the
message. Gmail disables external images by default to protect you from
unknown senders, allowing you to validate the source of the email.

We hope you enjoy Google's approach to email.


The Gmail Team

Original Message Follows:
Subject: Plain-text or what?
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 20:24:05 -0000

How are messages sent from gmail? Is there an option to send messages with
links etc encoded in the messages etc - or are they plain-text only? I
prefer plain-text myself, but would like to know if there's a button
somewhere I've missed.


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