Doctor said my g/f may be pregnant....
AND SHE IS A VIRGIN!!! Has anyone else have this happen? My girlfriend started her period two days ago, and her side started hurting so she went to the doctor. They couldnt find out what was wrong, so they suggested a pregnancy test, cause they said sometimes an egg will stuck in the felopian tubes and it can hurt....well my girlfriend said no im not pregnant i dont need to take a test. And he said "well i just want u too so we can cross that out of the equation." My gf said i have never had sex its impossible for me to pregnant unless its the second coming of jesus! ( shes very relgious). Well her mom was with her and did not like the doctor and what he was saying, so they soon left. Any thoughts ( and if you suggest she cheated and got pregnant dont even respond, you dont know my gf, thats not even a possibility.)