I also got some odd looks when I requested my meat cooked medium rare. In Canada it seems, they ain't down with that. You'd have thought I asked the waitress for anal sex right there at the table from her response to my reqeust for a rare steak. The fucker came medium well, btw. One strike for Canada there...
Mad cow disease concern.
Absconding to Canada because one does not like the way the US is heading, is cowardace, and a kind of treason.
Rats flee a sinking ship.
Heros fix the hole in the ship, pump out the water, get the crew to help fix the sails and rudder, then go off into the sunset to fuck the prom queen!!
Which country did your ancestors abandon (oops, I meant immigrate from)? I'm sure they made some heroic effort to keep the old country's ship afloat for a while, but maybe they realized that they were taking on more water than they could pump out?