Ace -> can't post what i'm getting him in here because he might read it? I never know with him... for those of you who aren't so sure on things between Ace and i and haven't asked or whatever, he's my best friend. We were together for about 3 years but no more... and i live next door. It's a true saga i know *rolls eyes* Every year i go balls out for him anyway, he gets spoiled
My new guy-> not quite sure yet!
It's been a month since we've been together, he's an absolute gem! I have zero idea what to get him... well not true, i have a few, but none seem quite perfect enough yet *harumph
Parents -> absolutely NO focking idea
Siblings -> youngest brother is getting a PS2 game he wants and a starbucks g/c because its a thing between us. the slightly older younger brother is getting a new hat, probably a sweater or something and a dvd.
I do secret santa's with my best friends (5 of us) and the girl i got has a bday on the 27th, so i'm putting together a care package, soley for sexual purposes *chuckle* It will have new lingerie, comfy pj's, massage oil, vibrator, handcuffs or scarves or both?, book of positions etc. You get the idea. She'll absolutely love it!
I also make Christmas ornaments for friends and extended families. This year i'm making glass ornaments, hand painted with ribbons etc, i'll post pics when they're finished. I also hand out home made chocolates, candied nuts and various baked goods.
Call me Martha Fucking Stewart in December...