About 43.4% of the US economy is government spending and/or health care related.
About 43.0% of the Canadian economy is government spending and/or health care related.
8% of Canada's work force is unemployed, in the army, or in jail.
8% of USA's work force is umemployed, in the army, or in jail.
Wealth disparity in Canada is less than the USA. The ratio of the wealth of the top 20% to the bottom 20% is less in Canada than in the USA. Practically, this goes alot towards explaining our low murder rates.
Canada's average divorce rate (per capita) is lower than the divorce rate of the American state with the lowest divorce rate. This is mostly, but not completely, because our marriage rates are also much lower than American rates.
The Canadian Federal government really does nothing. It is mostly a large accounting organization that distributes tax money to the provinces to spend. The provinces quite strongly argue for getting the money with no strings attached. (In the USA, the Federal government requires, say, speed limits on roads and a 21+ drinking age in order for a state to recieve federal highway funds.) At the same time, the Canadian Federal Government does alot, including a tonne of funding for our nice universal health care system.
When you go to a doctor, you hand them your health card, fill out a form that says why you are there, and then get treated. There is between 3 and 10+ times less paperwork involved (based off the % of GDP Canada and the USA spends on health care paperwork).
Perscriptions cost money. Less money than in the USA, but they aren't free. Health coverage from the company you work for tends to be prescriptions, dental, vision, life insurance, travel and hospital room upgrade coverage.
The main use of the Canadian military overseas is peacekeeping. They go into an area where both sides don't want to fight anymore, stand there with big targets on their heads, and say "stop it" "no really, stop it", and carry big guns. In general, Canadian military gear is technologically backwards, but our training tends to be ... quite competative. Our active duty military, on a per-capita basis, something like half the size of the American military.
Canada exports oil and energy. Canada exports more than it imports. Our Federal government is running a surplus, and paying down the debt. Our politics are currently consensis-based (it takes at least 2 parties agreement to pass a piece of government legistlation). There are 4 political parties in our rough equivilent of your "congress" (left, center, right+regional, regional).
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.