I keep hearing so much good stuff about Paul Chen. I wish I had a shop like yours nearby, Fire, so I could heft a Paul Chen blade. I positively refuse to buy a sword without touching it first.
Case in point was MRL's black Schiavona, beautiful sword. I happened to be in Atlanta and went by MRL. They brought one out, and I couldn't even grasp it properly. The handle was too short for my hand by almost a half an inch. Shame too, as I'd have bought it right then otherwise. By the same token, I've looked at swords that I wouldn't give a second glance to, but when I picked them up, everything changed.
Course I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a sword for myself. I always intend to, but when it comes to purchase time, there's always a mass weapon in the stands whispering to me. Damned axes, maces, and hammers....