Coping with Postpartum Depression
allright, I did a search to see if this was coivered in another thread but I didn't find one, so here it is...
About 3 months and a few days ago, I became a father. My Wife and I have a wonderful son, he's healthy, and beutiful, and almost always happy and smiling, and just growing up so fast.
My wife on the other hand is grumpy, cranky, lost all her sex drive, and depressed almost all the time now. I know it's probably Post Pardom depression, but she has become quite introverted and really doesn't want to talk about it. I am finding things really hard. I just want her to be happy, but I can't seem to do anything to help make things better, or at least nothing that she has told me that has helped.
I know I can't magically make things go away, but I do want oto be able to make things a little better for her.
any suggestions?