My friend (dyed in the wool liberal) lived a year with another of my friends (abrasive neocon). They simply agreed that, while they were in their place, they wouldn't discuss politics. It worked for a while. Of course, since you don't have to live with this person, maybe avoiding these topics in general is a good idea.
Another of my good friends was a Republican. We both loved politics. Uh, oh. We talked a lot, trying desperately to find areas we agreed about. Without a doubt, we'd hit areas where me and my liberal friends would gang up on this interloper. It was a little rocky, as I felt really bad after we'd do this. Luckily for me, he spent time on the Hill and came back a Democrat. I guess my advice is: avoid these topics when you can, but when you discuss these things, make sure you both understand that whatever you say is academic and not personal in nature.
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