Yeah, at best guess I've had this same electric for around 4 years and haven't changed a single part on it so far, as I never realized I was supposed to! However, I only use my electric on the upper and lower lips and chin area, never could get it to shave closely on my neck or cheeks. I use my Mach3 (changing blades every month or so) for cheeks and neck. I also only use shaving cream for the Mach 3 areas, the electric stuff (which I do first) I do completely dry and then rinse afterward. 90% of the time I work it out to take a shower immediately after shaving, and by the time I'm out all the little cuts and whatnot are gone without forming any scabs or anything.
I do get some small nicks and cuts from both, usually more from the mach 3 on the neck but a few on the chin, but never thought about changing anything in the electric. I would post what kind it is but I'm at work right now and can't remember exactly.
I really really hate shaving, so I usually go a few days in between and deal with looking like a bum. It also doesn't help that I have a hard enough time waking myself up for work or class, and its even harder to try to wake up early enough to shave beforehand.
A men's grooming thread might be a good idea, for all the other helpless fools such as I who never thought about stuff like this. Where would it go, Living or Health & Fitness perhaps???
...And then I found $5!