I listened to the 50 min radio show. Well kind of, I was browsing some nice & sometimes distracting artwork simaltaneously. I thought the arguments were entertaining. The participants were obviously well informed about the movie and all that it entails. The show did end up being a bit circular near the end where the discussion of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (when something is observed it is changed) was the crucial point of disagreement. Conscious intstruments or not, when a particle or any object is observed, that object is changed. The gentlemen who studied physics at MIT and Philosophy at Harvard had a good point but unfortunatley his arguments were more assetions than anything else. The director of the movie handled the callers well but what he had to say sounded too rehearsed, as if it made no difference what questions were asked.
I did see the movie in theaters and interstingly enough in the very town the Ramtha mansion is located. Yelm, WA is a small out of the way town where the movie theatre is probably the biggest building there...well aside from the library which is quite impressive. I'm not sure but I think both were funded by the local organization. I remember on the way to theaters I was joking about the group. I had no idea they were behind the movie until coming across this forum. It makes sense now, but I think it has little impact on the movie.
It's a difficult subject to make a movie about, let alone one for national theaters. I applaud their effort to explain contemporary theory in terms a young teenager could understand. And yet, the whole time when I was watching the movie I was in a reverie of dissapointment. It is just not possible to understand and then retain the fundamentals of quantum-mechanics in a couple hours. I don't fault them for it, it is an excellent overview of a very complicated set of ideas. It's more engaging than a Cal. Tech. video in technical regards. It's nothing like Waking Life in terms of cold hard philosophy.
And as for What the &*$% Do We Know being a Ramtha seminar... well, who knows, I always thought they kept to themselves.