numbers....ah numbers are great, my partners are often in awe of my numbers.... Ive had a couple who were very insecure about them... but if the previous numbers ment that much too me id still be with them... or stalking them (jk). Ive had a couple of partners who have cheated on me, but we either broke up there and then...or shifted to an open relationship, or it was a one night thing. but i always like the details, sometimes they even get me horny. but im not jealous just interested, guess im naturally liberal, and easy going about this stuff...
I usually figure that experience helps get everyone involved a good experience.
so thats too ways of dealing with paranoia relating to experience...
however no help at all on infidelity...
hmm maybe i was sort of influenced by my dads infidelity, in a sort of fatalistic way...
ill have to think about that... if i come back a fundamentalist someone slap me...