Originally Posted by fckm
Since the paper recieves money regarless of it's readership, I don't see how it is hurting 'the cause'. Perhaps as more people read it, more people will grow to dislike it.
It's not about money (What money?). Like I said, there will always be a niche for this stuff. Now that your drawing attention to it that niche grows. Now instead of a few hundred folks, it's thousands. (I have no way of knowing actual numbers, it's just a way to get the point across)
That being said, where is the incentive to stop publishing the "offensive" material? The whole point of the paper excercising their first amendment rights it seems was to thumb their nose at the "establishment," who can't do a damn thing about it because the paper has played by the rules.
The paper is garnering attention, which is exactly why it printed the "offensive" stuff in the first place. Now they have an even larger audience at their fingertips. What do you think they're going to do? Report responsibly or show more boob pictures and dirty cartoons?