The exahust strings through the bike yes, but it comes apart very easy and drops out easy. Hell, the bikes body work is put on with duntz 1/4 turns - to me that is easy. Just becuase there is a lot of things in front of what you need to work on - that doesn't mean its hard - it just takes time. The newer 999 isn't easier, they just made things more accessable. In order to do X, there isn't as many things in your way. A 916 is built in layers, not the best way to do things - but the way they were woven together does make sense and work. Once again, it's time, not difficulty.
I want to make it clear that I am not disagreeing with you, just somethings that you said were very, very overexaggerated. There is enough mis-representation of this brand (well, any brand now in days). So I try to provide truthful, correct numbers and assesments of what it takes for maintenance on this bike.
The local track whore