I'd be curious to know exactly how much money is being taken on a per student basis for their student activity fees. My guess is that it's a rather trivial amount, and I personally feel that letting these kids remain kids for another four years is worth the sacrifice of tolerating a message that most people wouldn't like, in order to stretch the breadth of the experience for the student body. If you don't like it, don't read it. I work at a Southern university, and around here if the precedent of "let the students vote on it" is followed, say goodbye to most International Student Associations (The French Club...we're changing that to the Freedom Club, then kicking them frog-ass sumbitches out the country...vote 'em the fuck out)...any club associated with Middle Eastern nationality? I don't think so), the LBGA (We don't want no gay homosexuals getting married, and we certainly don't want 'em congregating on campus on getting to know each other), Society for Creative Anachronism...I don't think so. You'd pretty much have some sports teams, the NRA, and some African-American organizations around. And more frats/sororities. I think that for that four-year experience, it's an acceptable sacrifice to encourage introduction to varying viewpoints...and for people to learn to recognize the difference between what you should be free to express, because of the 1st Amendment, and what you should express.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style