Update: So, I can add a few comments now about my experiences with Semenex. I already mentioned the less-than-pleasant taste. I was able to work around that by drinking it quickly without really letting it stay in my mouth. (Sounds like advice for her, right?!
) I took it for several consecutive days as per the package directions. Ultimately, I can not recommend this product. Here is why:
1. It didn't change the taste in any significant way. Maybe I have a good diet anyway and there isn't room for improvement. I don't smoke, rarely drink, and eat several servings of fruits and veggies daily. I also drink a lot of water. All of these things are supposed to help with the taste naturally. This may vary for you if you don't have the best diet etc.
2. The package directions also suggest that you don't ejaculate other than orally while you are trying to "sweeten" the taste. This just did not fly well with me! I have way to much drive to just wait it out until the time is right to get a BJ. Whether flying solo, having "regular" intercourse, or whatever, I felt that this was very restrictive on my sexuality. I did hold out for a few days to give the product the best chance of working, but it was not really conducive to having a good time sexually. This leads to my last point.
3. Being on this product puts undo pressure on something which should happen naturally as a gift from her to you. You're taking this horrible tasting stuff and abstaining from other release, both of which can make you kind of grumpy and/or anxious to get that release that you crave. Not the most romantic way to feel. She knows you are on this stuff and what you are expecting/looking forward to. This is a big turn off for my S/O. When she gives me oral stimulation, she wants it to be a surprise and a "gift" that she gives me when and where she feels like it. She really felt like when I was on Semenex, I was always looking at her to get down there and do her job. I can sure see how that would make the whole process less than appealing for her. She was a good sport and did her part taking a sample of the "enhanced" product, but in talking with her we came to the conclusion that the product just took the fun out of oral sex.
Things might work differently for you. You may see a marked improvement in taste. If your S/O is eager to see if it improves your taste, then give it a try. Or, as another poster in this thread suggested, educate yourself and make some changes in your diet and lifestyle first to see if that improves things. For us, it was no fun for me to go without sex in anticipation of the big event. It was too much pressure for my wife leading up to the big event. Ultimately it made a chore out of something that should be about intimacy and fun.
I still have a few servings of the powder left. I may take some more on the sly to see if it happens to affect anything. This time though, I am not abstaining from other sexual activity, I am not expecting oral from my wife, and I am not telling her when I am taking it so she won't feel any pressure.
So, that is my report. Take from it what you can, good gentlemen.