Originally Posted by The Article
That protection can be tough to swallow. "We've gotten a lot of complaints from those who feel their student funds should not go to the publication," said Gus Sara, president of the student government association at Rutgers' Livingston College.
Originally Posted by timalkin
I applaud the creators of this "offensive" paper. These people are directly demonstrating the effect of the First Amendment and what it really means. If something I write or express is offensive to you, too bad. Don't look at it or don't read it. It takes guts to stand up and do something like this. I'd give these people an award of some sort.
That pretty much sums up my view right there. Freedom of speech means FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This newspaper is an example of what broadcast television and radio should be like.
If you look hard enough you would find that no matter what you think/do/say/wear/are there will ALWAYS be SOMEONE out there that HATES it and would like to see it gone. Imagine if everything that *someone* hated was banned, what would be left? The alternative to banning everything is freedom. I think I like that a lot better.