yeah, that's what i'm asking. if it is, then yeah, pro wrestling is a step up for him. He was pretty good in UFC from what i understand and now he can make a ton of money in the WWE. he seems to be the most over right now and he has the legit skills to back it up. a couple weeks ago, he was against angle (the gold medalist) and had angle in a key lock in a 'shoot' fight. neither of them knew that would be in a match that night and puder really locked a submission move on angle....a guy with a legitimately bad neck...and was about 20 seconds away from causing angle to have to get surgery again. They did a cheap assed way for angle to win, but by that time, his arm was numb and he was i'm really hoping he wins and is in wrestlin gnow. i think he'd be great to watch.
and yes, i'm a pro wrestling fan grad student chess player...I just keep up with wrestling for fun...really...and yes, it's fake, but there are certain parts that aren' the angle/puder matchup. It seriously only lasted about 45 seconds with puder locking in a keylock and almost making angle legitimately lose/tap out...
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