Well, I have benn dating this girl for about one year now and she has moved in with me about two months ago. I have one child from a previous wife, and he lives with me full time. The dilema is my gf has never really had much intrest in children. It was fine when we lived in seprate houses but now that we live together she is really seeing the attention it takes to raise a child on your own. I liked the fact that she was not in to children that much because i only wanted one child. She has recently started saying things like you pay so much more attention to him and not me, dont' you care about me. My child is five now and requires alot of attention as any five year old dose. I try telling her that I am doing the best that I can, but she is really frustrated, almost to the point to moving back out. My question is how long dose one wait till you say that’s it? I know that there is no magic number but how dose everyone else feel about this situation. Thanks.