A funny little car story
So my family just got a Saab 900 SE, as it is a new car, and me being 20 i figured i need to drive it as much as i can. So i volenter to drive my dad to the airport at 5 am, as we go i go dad what kind of tires are on this car... he goes i dunno so sort of Sears brand or something. I didnt think anything of his reply, as he has always been a big car guy. He had a bunch of sports cars, and his grandfather was a mechanic. So when i got home i decided to look to see how junky they are, much to my suprise they were Yokohama. I just smiled, and walked in the house. So next time i talked to my dad i mentioned to him Yokohama's are so expensive people rap about them. So long story short my dad is becoming an old man... i thought this was amussing, and so did most my friends so i thought i would share it with you all.
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.