Originally Posted by hannukah harry
the first statement is obviously rediculous. once it's been born it is autonomous. it is a seperate entity. if the parents can't or don't want to care for it, then they can put it up for adoption. but until it's been born, it isn't.
au·ton·o·mous (adj.) 1. Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent.
Never in the history of the world has there been an autonomous newborn human.
Originally Posted by hannukah harry
and she could let the fetus live, but i'm not going to force a woman through nine months of pregnancy so she can put the kid up for adoption where it may or may not get adopted and lead a good life just because it will make you sleep better at night.
Actually, the purpose was to make the
child sleep better at night, as opposed to being dead.
But I doubt that anyone posting in this thread expected anyone else's mind to change.
That's not a slam at you; it's just an observation that this argument isn't going to be settled anytime soon.