Musicals, Choirs? I take it this is High School then. Your hormones are running rampant, that's where the dreams come from, so don't worry about waking up one day to find yourself stalking her.
It sounds like she's being coy and flirtatious, which is fairly typical of HS girls that are cute. You may have to face the realization that she's getting nailed on the side by some college dude though...
Eh, if she's worth it to you, pursue it until it's dead. The worst she can say is no, right? If she's not worth it, it sounds like her 'not quite pretty' friend is interested. Which reminds me, Beautiful girls that surround themselves with not-so-beautiful girls tend to be two things. Vain and Attention Starved. Be careful.
I'm married now, so the only thing in my house that pulls out now is the couch.