*nods* i met biznatch in person when he moved next door to me..but i fell for him online...he was just too annoying in person. i'm personally not really into cyber but i do flirt online..alot..but biznatch knows i do and i know he does too...and i make sure the people i'm flirting with know from the start that i'm taken..actually it ends up with me sending pictures of how cute he is and raving about the wonderfulness that is him. male is right..it could be really fun to like have that as something you do together...as to being embarissing...didn't you marry this man? don't you see him everyday and share everypart of yourself with him? sounds silly that your trying to hide one common fetish of yours from him...and unless you tell him and dont feel guilty about it then its cheating 
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite.