Granted, without more information on the trail I can't be sure of this, but I'm sure the defense at least had her undergo a psychological evaluation. Also, since the prosecution won which means they must not be completely incompetent, they probably had their own in house guy take a look at her too.
In a case without more evidence, I have to trust the evaluation of the jury in choosing which, if any, psyc evaluation they believe to be right. Its been a little while since I took abnormal psyc, but if I remember right then one facet of DID is that often times the main identity doesn't know anything about the other identities. Mutually exclusive was the term if I remember correctly, which since I didn't have the best attendance I very well may not. Also, to me one red flag is the 'appearance' of 'Jimmy' during the trial. It just seems very coincidental that 'Jimmy' happened to make an appearance in front of a jury. It is definately possible that it is real, but its also possibly staged as the jury concluded.
In any case, lock her up either in jail or in a mental hospital. If she goes to jail and really does have this problem, I have no doubt it will continue to manifest itself and eventually she'll get the help she needs. Its not ideal, but at least we don't have to worry about her OR jimmy robbing a bank and taking us hostage.
...And then I found $5!