I can see it.
luzer@coobicle1:"OMFGBTWLOL!!!111!! FSCKING LAG!!!"
*Elm3rFuddownzj00bunny kills white_tailBukz0r with headshot from AWP"*
luzer@coobicle1:"G#ddamn camping killthief! That was my kill!!!"
So who gets to pick up all the animals shot in the ass due to lag?
I'm sorry, but for me, the hunt is a lot more than the moment you pull the trigger. It's the planning, the stalk, the tracking and the companionship with fellow hunters. There's also something about the primal nature of it too, as I've only killed what I intended to use or eat.
More times than not you end up going home empty handed, tired and dirty, but you've spent a day in the outdoors doing something moderatlely active and feeling better for it.
That's hunting.
Last edited by WillyPete; 11-18-2004 at 08:28 AM..