I saw this as a news piece this morning on the Today Show.
There's a ranch in San Antonio, Texas that has a new kind of hunting, Via the internet. The Website is
www.live-shot.com, and according to the owner of the site, you need to get a hunting permit first, then once that's been confirmed, you go this website, where there would be a rifle attached to some sort of webcam, and you can pan all around, and find your target and shoot the critter.
They are stocking the ranch with all sorts of exotic animals, elk, some sort of sheep and a few other critters. Apparenly when you make your "kill" the ranch will send your kill to the taxiedermist for stuffing and if they can will send you the meat, if they legally can't send you the meat, then it gets donated to some charity.
Would you do something like this? Is this really hunting? Discuss...