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Old 11-16-2004, 02:04 PM   #26 (permalink)
Getting Medieval on your ass
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Location: 13th century Europe
Originally Posted by smooth
Jesus Christ.

The adult film is self-regulated, but what does that even have to do with the topic?
How does the adult film industry being self-regulated suppoort your argument? You think the self-regulation in effect for prostitution now (read: none) is better?

Why are you using an example like a diner? The police don't need to raid diners in order to see if they are in compliance. Maybe if illegal diners were around, that analogy would make sense. But they aren't, however, so you still need to explain how police or a regulating body would be able to differentiate between legal prostitutes and illegal ones without random raids on brothels.
No, police do not raid diners to see if they are in compliance. In fact, I didn't use the word police, you did. I said health inspectors. But thanks for forming my opinions fo rme.

And yes, jons are not going to appreciate being raided. Eating at a diner while it's inspected is not likely to ruin a marriage or create tension at home. I really hope others reading this realize how ludicrious the analogy was.
Your continued use of the word 'raid' is disingenuous. There wouldn't be raids were it legal. It would be health inspectors (or the equivalent) showing up. Not cops to arrest everyone on the premises (which raid implies). But nice straw man. And I think the people reading at home are intelligent enough to realize your tactics.

Obviously, the articles aren't about what would happen in the US, because it isn't legal here. Yet, they examine two places where it is regulated and legal, yet slavery and exploitation have increased.

You can't see the correlation between the two? You don't see it as a large problem in the US?

I can't help you, then. The articles made the connection more than clear. I also already pointed out that the sex slave trade is a huge business in the US. If you want to refuse to believe the fact of the matter, whatever.

It's becoming apparent that you want to be able to buy sex, your position has little respect for the women you want to buy sex from.
I don't want to buy sex from women. Never have, don't think I ever will. But I regard your willingness to deny me the ability to perform that simple exchange between consenting adults (if I wished it) to be appalling. I don't need you to live my life for me thankyouverymuch. I'm a big boy, I know what's best for me. And since you know nothing of me outside this forum, your (implied) comment about me having no respect for women is telling of your character.

As far as the comment about it leading to more slavery, the article(s) also cite that policing the sex trade is lax. Prohibition doesn't work. Read up on its history sometime.

And I note you still have yet to offer a single solution to what you obviously consider a problem. All you have is negativity for what solutions others have presented.

You also have yet to answer my question posted above. This is the thrid time I'll ask it: why does the simple exchange of money make an otherwise socially accepted act immoral?
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