A: Prostitution would be safer, more sanitary, and economically more beneficial to the business, clients, and society as a whole due to regulations and tax revenue.
B: Morality is not an issue for me. Ethically, I see no reason to prohibit any person from doing something that he or she wants to do so long as it does not harm others in the process. A woman's vagina is her property, and if she wants to charge admission it's none of my business to tell her that she can't do that.
-Reduction in sexual assaults thanks to legal outlets for pent up sexual energy
-Reduction in stress when people have a legal way to relax (like a strip club, but better)
-(Hopefully) the decline of our society's unhealthy taboos regarding sex
-Decline in the human trafficking industry as an outlawed activity becomes a legal profession
-Decline in organized crime as one of their large sources of income suddenly becomes mainstream and open to competition from all sides
-Conflicts between those who still believe that sex is sacred and those who have no problem with indulging
-Exploitation of low-income women who will be much more likely to turn to the sex industry as a way to make a quick buck
Just like drugs, I'm pro-legalization, but realize that there is no perfect solution.