I dunno what to tell you, man.... From my personal experience I'd say that once a relationship is over it's pretty much over. If you guys get back together the odds are that the issue(s) that drove you apart will surface again and will ruin things for you.
In all honesty, I think you need more time to recover and move on. The best thing to do is to surround yourself with people who love you and care for you (i.e. your true friends and family) so they can support you during this time.
Also, take the opportunity to immerse yourself in new hobbies: learn to play the piano or the guitar; take horseback-riding lessons; teach yourself how to do web program in JavaScript and write web pages using HTML; take Kung-Fu, Karate, or Taekwondo lessons. Don't sit around and beat yourself over this relationship... get out there and do something.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation