As a guy who used to strip wood for a living, i would suggest you take it to a dunker.
For example, you can get a door stripped at a shop by them dunking it in a tank of the nastiest stuff going that only the pros can get. You wouldn't want to fall in that tank.
I don't know the brand names in the states, but i have tried several here in Toronto and they all pretty much work the same - half assed.
It takes several coats to remove paint, not so much to remove varnish.
What I do is put on a good coat of the stripper, then cover it in plastic wrap so it won't dry up too quickly.
Then use a scrapper.
In the end, you have to sand all the wood to get a good surface before you can refinish too.
Oh, and yeah, the stuff generally burns like hell, and even water doesn't seem to get rid of the stinging.