Don't know how to handle situation and need advice really bad
This last Friday I went out with a couple of girls for one of their birthday parties(she just turned 21)
I don't personally drink so I was just really trying to look out for these girls since they were just getting trashed(that and I feel obliged since they've been very welcoming to me after just transferring to school).
Anyways I'm with this one girl and she needs to get back to her room because she's passed out on me once and needs to hold on to me to keep her balance. Her roommate all of a sudden at the end of the night picks up some guy and decides to take him back to the dorm. So anyways we get back to their room and lo and behold my roommate shows up who's consumed a whole bottle of apple vodka. The rest of the night I'm wearing myself out either trying to cockblock her roommate's would be rapist(the girl is all but passed out and he's all over her) and also trying to keep the other girl from going outside (she keeps complaining she's dizzy if she sits down) so she doesn't break her head open. The girl I can't keep in the room is also freaked out by the guy in the room with her roommate so I'm trying to talk her down to all the while acting as a human bean bag when she loses her balance(still sore) or try to takes the elevator or stairs.
Eventually I get my roommate to go to bed and their suitemate(who's also sober thank god) comes over to watch after the girl that keeps running off.
She takes care of that girl while I'm watching over the girl making sure she doesn't choke on her vomit, has a trashcan, doesn't get raped by the guy who seems to be falling asleep,etc.
After about 30 min the suitemate comes back with the other girl.
My roommate has tried to rape her.
According to the suitemate he dragged her from the stairs and put her on his bed as she was drifting in and out of consciousness. All the while my roommate is trying to get rid of the suitmate who's found her as he gets on the bed with the girl. Luckily the suitemate is smart enough to get the girl out of there as soon as she can.
I spent the rest of the night (literally sunup) looking after the girl my roommate attacked in the suitemate's room while the suitemate makes sure the other guy stays asleep.
I'm just been upset all week over this. I literally want to kill my roommate but I obviously know that's not the right option.I've been sleeping on the suitemate's floor becuase I can't even to stand to be around the guy. I mean not only does he try to rape a girl in my room but it's a close friend of mine he did it to!
I'm also having trouble getting the girl to talk about this because she really can't remeber the event and the suitemate and unfortunately my roomate are the only ones who remember anything. She confronted him the other day and he's been playing it off like a total son of a bitch.
I want to move out of my room but there really isn't any place to go that won't take weeks to get into by which the semester will be over. It's almost looking like my roommate won't be here next semester(about three weeks from now) because he's had to take out a loan.
I'm asking anybody here what is the best course of action. oh and sorry for the long post.