I've been playing Halo 2 for a few days now, and its pretty awesome. I finished the campaign fairly quickly (11 hours). It has a great story, but I wish it was longer. The in game graphics are awesome, but the cutscenes are awful. They are worse than the original Halo. The audio is absolutely amazing. It sounds great in 5.1 surround. The control scheme is as good as it gets for console gaming, which in my opinion works really well. The multiplayer is really where it is at. It awesome to have all my buds in a party on Xbox Live, and stick together for the night. Xbox live makes it very easy to find games and stay with the same people over an extended period of time. I can't believe how well the game runs during multiplayer. It seems like there is no lag at all.
All in all, I think that Halo 2 is awesome. When I play video games, the number one thing that I'm interested in is if I'm having fun. I've never had more fun playing any other game (except maybe Zelda on N64).