Originally Posted by YaWhateva
sorry but i just think that halo is not a good game. I am not dissing on the xbox whatsoever. Just on Halo. I played through the entire first game, groaning at how pathetic of a game it was. But to each his own i guess. And the last comment by me was saying that GTA: san andreas got better scores and was touted as the ps2 greatest game just like halo 2 got touted as the x box's greatest game.
Problem being, you get ~70 hours of gameplay out of San Andreas, and then you're done. You get ENDLESS hours of gameplay out of Halo 2, because it is multiplayer (and online enabled). Plus, Halo 2 doesn't suffer from the horrible darnkess problems that really affect SA gameplay (on a properly calibrated TV, anyways).
Plus, in a practical sense, Halo 2 is just a more fun game to play - you can play it sitting alone (single player or via going online), or you can play it with a group of friends when you're just hanging out/screwing around/pregaming before a party. You can't really play San Andreas with a group of people, unless you have a lot of people who like to sit around and watch.