Are you stressing out about school right now? or stressing about finishing college, un-hooked-up? If you've got things on your mind like that it could be just weighing your mind down with too many other things. I find I don't feel as stressed or distracted if I make lists of the things I need to do. I think cause it puts my concerns into some other place where I don't feel like I need to remember it any longer.
Yeah, that helps a bit. A list, cause I am always forgetting stuff.
It is a sensation issue, when I think about it - it is like the nerves died. I am doing nothing different. They toy issue will have to wait till I get my own place.
The emotions may be connected as in - When I was with him - fooling around was better than anythign I had done by myself. *the boy was like a walking fire!!!*
Even now the memory of his touch is more potent than any erotic image a book can conjure - but I force myself to not go there - cause it is only memory, and he is still at myschool, and I feel disrespectful thinking about someone who no longer loves me that way - in that special manner. personal thing - not a religious guilt thing.
sooo....I am stumped.