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Old 11-11-2004, 11:40 AM   #8 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
Would you say that your frustration is with the sensation or emotional?

I personally go through fazes where I WANT the stimulation of masterbation. There are other times when I don't want to even touch it down there. One thing that helps me get in the "mood" to play alone is reading a trashy book or magazine. Something that gets my imagination going. I have gotten going at times and then boom, stress interrupts and I've lost any urge to continue. It's usually when I've got a lot on my mind or too much to do. Are you stressing out about school right now? or stressing about finishing college, un-hooked-up? If you've got things on your mind like that it could be just weighing your mind down with too many other things. I find I don't feel as stressed or distracted if I make lists of the things I need to do. I think cause it puts my concerns into some other place where I don't feel like I need to remember it any longer.

I hope this helps. I was just throwing out anything that came to mind. I hope it's not too jumbled. Good Luck.
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