Troops find hostage 'slaughterhouses' in Falluja Coalition forces say 70 percent of city is under control
FALLUJA, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi troops retaking the city of Falluja have found hostage "slaughterhouses" where people were held captive and beheaded, an Iraqi military official said Wednesday. Soldiers found CDs labeled "beheading of ..." and showing the decapitations of hostages. Black clothing and masks worn by the kidnappers when they made the videos were found, along with banners hoisted in the background, according to Iraqi and U.S. military officials.
Soldiers said it was apparent that numerous killings had taken place there. Maj. Gen. Abdul Qader, commander of Iraqi forces in the battle, said he was unsure whether the hostage records included the names of kidnapped British aid worker Margaret Hassan or French journalists Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot.
In Baghdad, meanwhile, a car bomb detonated Wednesday near an emergency police patrol killed at least seven people and wounded three police officers, said Col. Adnan Abdul Rahman, spokesman for Iraq's Ministry of Interior. And a U.S. soldier was killed and another is listed in stable condition after an Army 1st Infantry patrol was hit by a roadside bomb near Balad, north of Baghdad early Wednesday, a military statement said.
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What should be done with places like this. Should they be left as memorials to what happened, or should they be completely destroyed?
I think that the memories, if not the buildings should be preserved. I would like to see some of the billions that are being poured into this war channeled into a museum that would educate the population about what has happened.
This could be given as a grant to the Governing Council in Iraq and be used not only as a public works project, but also giving Iraqis control over what shown in the museum. This will be a way for them to reclaim and give legitimacy to the concept of an Iraqi-run government as opposed to the American puppet regime that many believe are, and will continue to be, in power.